16-strand Braiding with a Core Kumihimo Necklace Kit - Coffee & Black
$ 30.00
While this is a relatively easy braid and technique, this is not a beginner kit. You should have experience braiding with 16-strands and have some understanding of “reading” the point of braiding. It is helpful, but not necessary, to have some experience braiding around a core. The necklace is 16-strands (8 Col A & 8 Col B). The arrangement of the “A” & “B” strands creates the unique pattern. You will braid in “pattern”, transition to braiding around a core and then back to braiding in "pattern". The instructions are written for a 23” necklace. You can make it shorter depending where you attach the end caps.
You will need: Kumihimo Disk (I use the Beadsmith Mini; either thick or standard), 16 Bobbins, Scissors, Tape Measure, Needle and Thread OR Fray Block for finishing the ends, Glue for attaching the end caps (I like Weldbond) .
You should know: This is not a beginner kit. 16-strand Kumihimo Round Braid Basics (Kongoh Gumi) - Bottom Starters: "left bottom up, right top down, rotate to next pair" or Top Starters: "right top down, left bottom up, rotate to next pair".
Kit Includes:
- 28 yards Petite Satin Cord (2 colors)
- 1 8mm-All in-One Magnetic Clasp
- Porcelain Focal Slider Bead (Focal)
- Instructions with Photos