"8-strand Kongoh Gumi Three Braid Necklace with Curved Focal" - Red, Emerald, Dk Green

$ 28.00


The Kongoh Gumi Three Braid Necklace with the Curved Smooth Focal is simple and classy. The Red, Emerald and Dark Green colors are a great Holiday palette. This is a pretty easy project and even though there are three braids to make, this project still fits in the “instant gratification” category! The instructions are written for up to a 24” braid (depending on braider differences). You can easily make the necklace several inches shorter depending where you attach the end caps. It’s your choice. Some people like a longer necklace and some like their necklaces shorter. The finished braids are threaded through the focal and then the end caps are attached. It’s that simple and so much fun.

I tried this on both the thick (20mm) and standard (10mm) Kumihimo disks and I liked the 10mm disk better. The thick disk put a little too much strain on the ribbon.

 Kit Includes:

  • Kumihimo Petite Nylon Satin Cord 
  • Curved Smooth Focal
  • 10mm All-in-One Magnetic Clasp
  • Instructions with Photos

You will need: Kumihimo Foam Disk (I prefer the BeadSmith Mini, 10mm - regular thickness); 8 Plastic Bobbins; Scissors; Tape Measure, Needle & thread, Cord Zapper or Fray Block to finish ends; Glue to attach magnetic clasp (I use WeldBond Universal Glue; available at Ace Hardware and some craft stores)

You should already know: Kit assumes that you are familiar with and can successfully braid the Kongoh Gumi braid structure. Great kit for beginners!

While the instructions are written for a disk, they are easily adaptable to the Marudai.