"**8-strand Kongoh Gumi Braided Necklace with Ceramic Handpainted Flower Pendant" - Peri

$ 24.00


The Kongoh Gumi Braided Necklace with the Ceramic Handpainted Flower Pendant is simple and fun. Sometimes we need easy, quick, “instant gratification” projects. That’s what this is.

The instructions are written for up to a 27” braid (depending on braider differences). You can easily make the neck several inches shorter depending where you attach the end caps . It’s your choice. Some people like a longer necklace and some like their necklaces shorter. There is flexibility.

Kit Includes:
  • Petite Nylon Satin Cord (3 colors; 12 yards total)
  • Ceramic Handpainted Flower Pendant
  • 6mm All-in-one Magnetic Clasp 
  • Instructions with Photos
You will need: Kumihimo Disk (I recommend the BeadSmith Mini), 8 bobbins, tape measure, scissors and glue to attach magnetic clasp. I use WeldBond Universal Glue but you may use whatever you like. I get WeldBond at Michaels Craft Stores or Ace Hardware (try online).

You should know: Kumihimo Round Braid (Kongoh Gumi). Reminder: "left bottom up, right top down, rotate" OR "right top down, left bottom up, rotate".

While the instructions are written for a disk, they are easily adaptable to the Marudai.